My parents got insane
This day started rediculus. I knew that the lecture supposed to be today will start next week so I only had to go at half past eight to a seminar. There were not so many people as supposed to and the talks were going around that it is falling out. Nobody knew something for sure so when there was now teacher coming 20 minutes after the start, we just left. What the heck did I get up this morning for?Is it the weather? Is it because we have spring?
Everyone becomes insane, especially my parents. Dad has been there with Suse to bring me my luggage from the exchange, they pciked up for me. He started telling me that they are having some dogs for Suse trying to make some puppies.
Isn´t it enough to have 3 cats at home who it took a while to get along with the dog when they got Suse last year?
Now the children (my sis and me) are out of house and they seem to need something else instead. It is somehow funny how humanlike they treat the dog and somehow it is rediculus.
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